Ep.17 / How Your Nervous System Hijacks Your Relationship with Food


Polyvagal theory and its relationship to food habits



Anytime I talk about the nervous system, it always brings some major AHA moments for people. It’s the missing piece to the puzzle of your relationship with food, and it just might be the gamechanger that you’ve been hoping to find.

Most of the time, you try to make changes in a top-down direction, meaning that you change your MIND in order to change your BODY / habits. But that is an incomplete — and sometimes ineffective! — way of doing things. More and more research is showing that you will have much better results if you also work from the bottom-up… AKA changing your BODY in order to change your MIND.

There is a lot going on *beneath the level of your conscious mind* that impacts the choices you make (such as the choices of what and how you eat)! So this episode is here to give you an intro lesson on how your nervous system is working behind the scenes to create your current food experiences.

You’ll learn:

  • The basics of polyvagal theory & how it makes all your eating habits MAKE SENSE

  • Why focusing on your nervous system is KEY to behavior change

  • How to start taking action TODAY to regulate your nervous system & heal your relationship with food

If this episode is helpful for you, please leave a review and give Reconnect Radio some stars to let me know. I appreciate it SO MUCH!


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Ep.18 / The Survival Patterns that Run Your Life with Alyse Parker


Ep.16 / An Inclusive & Conscious Approach to Healthcare with Dr. Brooklynne Palmer