2024 Retreat with reconnect collective

cross the threshold of becoming your next level in the evolution of your highest self

Are you ready to…:

release old patterns, habits, and stories that hold you back

use your body as a vehicle for transformation

reprogram your subconscious mind for success

develop an unbreakable bond with your highest self so that you can live in greater alignment and authenticity

heal and grow in community with other women

Four days of connection, healing, and expansion.

Your retreat experience will include…

  • Yoga – vinyasa flow or restorative yin (all levels)

  • Guided meditations and visualization exercises

  • Sound bath

  • Interactive workshops on topics including self-hypnosis, developing intuition, and identity alchemy

  • Hikes in the healing red rock landscapes of Sedona, AZ

  • Nourishing plant-based meals

  • Building relationships with other women on the path of inner work and transformation

…and a whole lot more!


Retreat sanctuary nestled in the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona.

Room options include:

  • Private room with queen bed

  • Private room with twin bed

  • Shared room with twin beds (2-3 people per room)

*You will make your room choice after submitting your deposit for the retreat; rooms are booked first-come, first-served

*You can choose your roomate(s) for a shared room

Meet the team:

Tara Kemp, PhD

CEO of Reconnect Collective, Mental Health Coach & Researcher, and your enthusiastic and loving retreat leader!

Amanda Sevilla-Calubaquib, RDN, RYT

Coach and Director of Nutrition Education at Reconnect Collective. Amanda will be leading yoga classes + other empowering and transformative sessions.

Emily Anderson, Chef

Reconnect Retreat Alumni & Master Chef. Emily makes nourishing meals both beautiful and delicious; her creations are a celebration of the magnificent ingredients that the earth provides for us, a glorious gift to our bodies.

what past retreat attendees have to say…

“The retreat was life changing for me. I went into it without any assumptions and just wanted to have a positive experience. I came away with several lessons learned about myself and what I needed to do in order to help myself. I was moved by all the stories shared and all the openness that so many strangers had with each other. It was one of the most cathartic experiences I have had in years. Thank you Tara and everyone else who was a part of it!”

“The best way I can describe this experience is that it was a portal. I stepped out in a different space internally than I stepped in. I feel it has far reaching implications that I can’t see with clarity yet. I know it was important. It helped me remember (even though I’m not sure I have been before...) what it feels like to be in a magical, safe space. It felt like a message saying, this feeling is a glimpse of Home.”

“This retreat was just magical for me overall. The location, the yoga and meditation, the food, and feeling like I made soul connections with people that I just met. This was so needed for me and I can't wait to see what else you have in store, Tara, thank you so much!!!”

“I could never have imagined what a powerful and life changing experience this would be. I will cherish it forever!!!”

“This retreat was an awesome experience of introspection, re-evaluating life's priorities, eating delicious and vibrant food, meeting and bonding with amazing people, and connecting with nature in a powerful way. I love your positivity and attitude of "all love" toward others. You are an inspiration!”

“This was the most intentional week of healing and growth I have ever experienced. The entire week was such a testament to Tara's gifts of healing, thoughtfulness, and community building. Her team was amazing; not only working to run the retreat, but stepping in to participate and heal as well. Highlights included daily yoga and meditation practices, nature hikes through the most beautiful landscapes, delicious and nourishing food, journaling and meditation practices, and a community of like-minded women there to heal and support one another. The journey to self-acceptance and self-love is a long one, but this retreat gave me a glimpse of what it feels like just to BE. I'm eternally grateful.”

“The retreat was life changing. I have never felt more grounded and conscious, I have never felt more compassionate and forgiving of myself. Tara has a gift for holding a space for everyone and transforming their belief systems. I loved how intimate this retreat was, it really gave us an opportunity to get to know and support one another. I am forever grateful for the time we spent together. I will carry this special feeling and all that I learned with me wherever I go and through whatever I do.”

It's so hard to put into words how much I loved this retreat experience and what it meant to me. I learned so much about myself and left the retreat feeling inspired, supported, motivated, uplifted, grateful, nourished, and excited.

Not only was the staff incredible, but all the women who attended were so kind and empathetic and vulnerable and supportive. It was truly the most wonderful group of women and it's crazy how close we all got in a matter of days. I feel like we will always be bonded together due to this shared experience. I'm so happy to have met everyone and am grateful to have made new friends.

One thing I really loved about this retreat is that it was holistic. By this I mean that we worked on healing/nourishing our physical bodies and our inner/spiritual selves. The healthy meals, yoga, and hiking all benefited our physical bodies and the meditation and group sessions benefited our minds. By the end of the retreat, I felt rejuvenated in all areas of my health.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything, Tara! I will be eternally grateful to all those who helped make this experience as special and magical as it was! My heart is so full of love and gratitude right now and my soul is very happy! I am patiently waiting for the next retreat ;)