Calling all women who feel
called to a bigger, brighter, more connected, and more aligned life…
but feel like your food and body struggles are getting in the way:
was made for You.
After 16 weeks together, you’ll walk away feeling confident and proud of who you are—all while feeling at ease with food and at peace with your body.
Reconnect Academy teaches you the five essential steps to addressing the root causes of your food and body struggles and building a lifestyle in alignment with your values.
You value healthy eating and want to take care of your health, but you are often stressed about food or over-think those decisions.
You don’t want to care so much about food and what your body looks like – you want food to feel easy, and you want to feel peace – but you can’t seem to “let go” of those thoughts and behavior patterns.
You feel the pull to live a more mindful, intentional, meaningful life, but you aren’t sure how to get there or what that means and looks like for you. (Or, you do know, but you just can’t seem to actually DO it!)
You want to be more present and feel more fulfilled in your daily life and relationships.
You crave deeper connections with women who have shared values.
You wish you had the confidence to take the leaps to reach your fullest potential.
You've tried to heal your relationship with food or your body in the past, but none of those methods worked for you or felt right to you.
You’re losing trust in your body and losing faith in yourself, and you don’t want to keep going down that path. It’s time to turn things around.
Let me know if you relate to any of this…
And you’re here because you’re hoping that this will be the thing that finally, actually helps you to make it all happen.
If you feel very
seen right now…
welcome to the club.
I get it, because I’ve been there.
As much as you might feel alone in a lot of these things, I promise, you are much more like me and so many other women than you think.
So, what changed for me?
How did I go from feeling alone and misunderstood in my food struggles, feeling like a prisoner to my brain’s anxiety and OCD tendencies…
To a place where I feel so FREE and FULL and INSPIRED by myself and my life.
A place where food is a fun, beautiful thing that I enjoy and appreciate, and that no longer holds me back from being present in my life, going after my dreams, or having deep connections with the people I love…
Where life feels magical, and I am proud and confident to be me.
The answer?
I started working from
the inside out.
I figured out the exact steps and processes that actually work for helping you to overcome all the thoughts and behaviors that are holding you back.
I simplified all the complex psychology and nutrition science, self-help methods, and therapeutic techniques into a step-by-step process of practices that anyone can do.
Healing can happen a lot more quickly than you think. Your dream life is a lot closer to being your current reality than it seems right now.
Drop the cycles of trying to use logic and willpower to fix your problems, and always falling short on what you actually want to achieve. There’s an easier and more effective way to do things.
Very soon, you will feel clarity on why you’ve been struggling and what you actually need to do to overcome it all.
I’ll give you the full blueprint for the process - with guidance, accountability, and support every step of the way.
The person you dream of being, and the life you dream of having, are on the other side of Reconnect Academy.
The person you dream of being, and the life you dream of having, are on the other side of Reconnect Academy.

Let’s get to the point:
Almost everything you’ve ever been taught about how to overcome your struggles with food or your body is wrong.
It’s ineffective. It’s counterproductive. And quite simply, it’s just not working.
It’s leaving you feeling frustrated and hopeless, with very little progress to show for all the effort and time you’ve put into trying to find balance and peace with food and your body.
How do I know all of this?
Because I was there. I was that person who wanted to just feel confident and carefree – about food, but also about myself in general.
Personally, it took me YEARS to figure out how to have a healthy balance of eating in alignment with my values, without having any stress or fear tied up in that.
I spent soooo long on the roller coaster of thinking I'd figured it all out, then falling back into old habits...
And all along, I was still struggling with people-pleasing, perfectionism, feeling like I had to hide parts of myself from others, feeling like I wasn't enough (while simultaneously feeling like I was too much)...
Thankfully, I learned that there’s a way to do things differently, where you focus on the ROOT causes of your struggles with food and body.
I found not only the methods that help you to understand and address the underlying issues that are causing you to struggle in the first place but also the tools and practices that help you to maintain the healthy habits, personal confidence, and meaningful life you desire.
It’s been a JOURNEY. I spent over a decade of my life studying different therapy modalities, mindfulness techniques, nutrition, psychology, neuroscience, and reading all the self-help books and doing my own healing work along the way – eventually getting my PhD in Psychosocial Health, specifically studying what facilitates a healthy relationship with food.
Trust me… I’ve been DEEP in this world for a long time now, and I’ve learned what works vs. what doesn’t.
The path to healing and THRIVING long-term is not in addressing what you see on the surface (the symptoms).
Changing what you eat or when you eat it, or changing what type of exercise you do or how long you do it, or even actually changing your body in the way that you’re wanting it to change… won’t do ANYTHING if you aren’t doing the inner work to address the root causes first.
And the inner work is so much more than just ‘eating when you’re hungry, and stopping when you’re full,’ or letting yourself have the cookie or take the rest day, and then expecting to instantly feel totally cool with it and feel awesome about who you are.
It doesn’t work that way. There are much deeper elements that aren’t being talked about or taught.
When things finally clicked for me, my life started expanding and reflecting what I’d always dreamed of being. I finally felt like I was able to just ‘be myself’ without trying to prove or hide anything, I found friends and community where I truly felt a sense of belonging, surrounded myself with people who inspired and celebrated me, I healed my relationships with my family, and I had the confidence to start coaching other people and build this dream business where I get to wake up and live out my purpose every single day.
(And yes, I truly and honestly attribute all of that to the inner work process that I now teach in Reconnect Academy, 100%).
When you are living in a state of connection to yourself, and understand not only why things happen but also how to overcome any challenges that come into your path, everything changes.
In Reconnect Academy, I’m going to teach you everything you need to know about the subconscious mind, your nervous system, the winning combination of mindset and somatic approaches, the science of visualization, mindfulness, and all the other pieces that together, have created massive transformation for myself and hundreds of my students over the past 5 years.
I have a different approach when it comes to healing your relationship with food and your body – one that is much more effective, more sustainable, and individualized, reflecting each person’s unique values and characteristics.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to your relationship with food.
Your values, your dreams and goals, the current context and circumstances of your life, your personality, your roles and responsibilities, the upleveled 2.0 version of yourself that you want to become and embody…
This is all unique to you. So your path to healing and what your healthiest relationship with food and your body looks like in practice, is also unique.
The Reconnect Method works from the perspective that YOU hold all of your answers, and we give you the tools and guidance to uncover those answers for yourself.
This approach is all about understanding your patterns, rewiring your subconscious mind to support your growth, reconnecting with your true self, and building the habits, practices, and tools that enable you to live intentionally and authentically as the person you truly want to be…
And in the process, eating and moving your body become easy and effortless – a flow that naturally happens as you embody your best self and live a life that is aligned with your values.
…Yes, I did just use the words ‘easy,’ ‘effortless,’ ‘flow,’ and ‘naturally’ in regards to food.
This reality is possible for you!! And THAT is where your life gets all big and sparkly.

What is Reconnect Academy & Who is it for?
Reconnect Academy is a 16-week intensive program led by Tara Kemp, PhD, Mental Health Coach & Researcher.
This program was intentionally designed and curated to give everything that you need to overcome your food and body struggles – and not only maintain the progress that you experience in Reconnect Academy, but continue growing long-term, for the rest of your life.
Most importantly, Reconnect Academy is evidence-based and results-driven.

This is the only program you will ever need to get on track with the life you want to be living, and the relationship with food and your body that will get you there.
Rather than getting lost in the weeds or giving you so much information that it feels confusing and overwhelming and you don’t know where to start or how to put it all together, Tara teaches you what you need to know to get started right now and begin seeing progress quickly.
Each lesson in the course has been pre-recorded and is accessed via an exclusive course portal. New lessons are released each week, and each lesson has corresponding assignments and resources to help you apply what you are learning to your unique situation, and put it into practice.
Reconnect Academy is the most supportive learning environment you’ll ever find in an online course.
Q&A calls with Tara and the full Reconnect community, where you get to discuss the lessons, ask questions, and hear from other Reconnect students.
Peer group calls to create a deeper connection and share in more intimate discussion about the program topics.
1:1 coaching to receive individualized guidance & accountability to implement what you are learning.
*AND you receive daily guidance and support in the exclusive Slack community for Reconnect Academy.
You will also have the opportunity to join live calls with guest experts throughout the program.
Each of the community calls and guest expert calls are recorded and uploaded into the course library for you to view at any time.
You have lifetime access to all the course materials (and all of the bonuses listed below!) – like we’ve said, we set you up for long-term success.

Here is the proven
Reconnect Method
for building confidence in food, your body, and yourself – clearing the way for you to truly live the dream.
Step 1
Recognize the Roots
Before we can go forward, we first have to go back and understand how and why you got to where you are today. This is where you’ll learn how to uncover the old patterns and subconscious beliefs that have been holding you back. As you learn more about the root issues, it creates a path forward, showing where to focus your attention in order to truly create the change that you seek. In this foundational section of the course, you’ll set yourself up to make your efforts more effective and successful moving forward.
Step 4
Reconnect with Food
People are often surprised to find that we don’t talk about food until we’re 8 weeks into the program, but that’s why Reconnect Academy is different, AND why our program is more effective - because it’s not about the food. By the time that you do all of the other work from the first two months of the program, you’ll be surprised to find how much easier and lighter the food lessons feel to you. But it is still important. Building off of the previous course lessons, we help you to determine how you can eat in a way that is in alignment with the values and positive self-image that you built in module 2, and in a way that honors your body as you determined in module 3, by overcoming all of the things you found were holding you back in module 1. You’ll get clarity on what ways of eating bring you the most joy and meaning, and how to make it easy for you to sustain it all long-term, as a natural extension of who you are and what matters to you.
Step 3
Reconnect with Your Body
The third section of the course is where you’ll build a new relationship with your body. We start at the most fundamental level, with your nervous system, teaching you how to be aware of your body’s stress states and how to create an inner environment of trust and safety. You’ll also learn how to be your body’s caretaker and create a relationship of kindness and respect with your body, and build habits that support your best overall health. Finally, you’ll learn what shifts you need to make in order to feel peace and confidence in your body.
Step 2
Rewrite Your Story
The second section of the course guides you to get clarity on who you truly are, underneath all the limiting beliefs and societal teachings that have pulled you away from yourself. You’ll get clarity on who you are, what you value, and what you want your life to be – and you’ll learn how to build a lifestyle that supports you in being your best self for the long haul.
Step 5
Reconnect with Yourself
This last section wraps up the course and gives you the final tools that you need to thrive and stay in connection with yourself for life. You’ll learn some more advanced techniques for navigating and staying resilient amidst future challenges that may arise, and really solidify the new identity and lifestyle that you’ve built over the course of the program.
In addition to
The core content,
you’re also
getting access to:
Exclusive guided meditations and worksheets to guide you through the inner work and growth process
LIVE 2-hour coaching + Q&A sessions with Tara Kemp, PhD
Private sessions with a support coach
Daily text support in the Reconnect Academy Slack community
Transformational community & accountability
On top of that…
You get these
epic bonuses:
(Because, yes, we love you THAT much!)
10 yoga class recordings that correspond with each week’s lessons and content
Nutrition 101 lesson by Tara Kemp, PhD and Matt Nagra, ND
Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (loss of period) Training with Amanda Sevilla, RD
Discounted rates on all other Reconnect programs and offerings for the rest of your life!
Hear from past graduates
of Reconnect Academy:

Is this course for you?
Is this course for you?
This course is perfect
for you if you are….
Someone who wants to live with intention and mindfulness, aligned with your values
Curious and eager to learn about yourself + become empowered to overcome the old patterns that are no longer serving you
Craving deeper connection with yourself, your body, other women on a similar path, and the world around you
Ready to “do the work” (aka confront your fears and insecurities, commit to the healing process)
Someone who welcomes guidance and wants to work closely with mentors who will lead you through a big transformation
Someone who sees this program as a powerful INVESTMENT in yourself and your future
This course is NOT a good fit
for you if you are…
Someone who just wants to be given a meal plan and workout plan for you to blindly follow
Stuck in the story that you’re a lost cause and nothing can change for you
Looking for someone to “fix” you
Not willing to be open and vulnerable
Not ready to hold a safe space and support other women in their journeys
Someone who sees this program as just an expense that they will resent (AKA doesn’t value themselves or their mental well-being)
So hey, if you’ve made it
this far down the page…
It’s probably because you’re considering joining Reconnect Academy (and you’re probably a perfect fit, otherwise you would have stopped reading through this long-winded page long ago).
You might be wondering how things will be different this time… feeling worried that you’ll just be spending more money on something that won’t get you the results you're seeking.
Here’s what I can tell you:
This program doesn’t leave out anything that you need in order to experience massive growth and transformation in just 16 weeks.
This is not one of those programs that gives you a one-size-fits-all solution, where you’re told exactly what to eat and how to move in order to achieve certain results.
Having someone tell you what to eat might feel like a relief at first, but it keeps you disconnected from yourself and is NOT empowering or freeing for you.
This is not one of those programs that helps you to gain confidence *by losing weight*
Changing your body doesn't lead to self-acceptance or self-love. And even if losing weight does make you feel better about yourself for a while, it leaves you feeling stuck because you are still living in fear of gaining the weight back again.
This is not one of those programs that tells you to abandon your values about health, or food, or your culture’s traditions, or your athletic goals, etc…
If you aren't living in alignment with your values, the "plan" won't be sustainable because it isn't right for you.
why reconnect academy is
so effective:
I don’t believe in just focusing on getting rid of the symptoms. We KNOW those methods don’t work.
I guide you through doing evidence-based inner work to address the root issues and create a new reality for yourself: A life of freedom, empowerment, confidence, intention, connection, and inner peace.
This is why Reconnect Academy is so effective – and why women leave this program feeling like a higher, brighter, stronger version of themselves.
Every single person who has ever gone through Reconnect Academy has graduated with new understandings, new tools, and an inner transformation in how they see themselves and experience the world around them.
If you go through this program, attend all the calls, and do every assignment, and come out on the other side feeling like nothing has changed for you – we’ll give you your money back.
Take the leap with us and experience the magic of what happens when you decide that you are worthy and capable of creating a new life for yourself, a life that fills you up and makes you soar.

Your first step is to book a discovery call with me to determine whether reconnect academy is a perfect fit for you.
I’ll learn more about you, and we’ll determine what your individual needs are in your path forward.
You’ll get all of your questions answered and learn more about what it’s like inside Reconnect Academy.
See you there!