Ep.14 / Living in Spiritual Connection with Laura Lynne Jackson


HELPING people connect with the divine



Laura Lynne Jackson is a NYT Bestselling author, speaker, teacher, and psychic medium who has been certified by the Windbridge Institute for Applied Research in Human Potential and the Forever Family Foundation. Her work helps people to recognize their own ability to connect with the Divine. In this episode, we discuss not only how to communicate with what she refers to as your ‘Team of Light,’ but how doing so can benefit your mental health and overall life experience.

While at first glance this episode might seem a little “out there” in comparison to my other content, I don’t see it that way. Scientific literature shows a clear association between spirituality and increased mental health and longevity. The deeper your connection to something greater than yourself, the more rooted and sustainable your overall well-being. I have personally witnessed this shift in my own life, and I am grateful to Laura Lynne’s books for helping me in that evolution.

We also talk about how what was once seen as ‘woo woo’ is becoming more and more backed by science as time goes on. What we often describe as spiritual is actually scientific in nature; what ancient traditions and Eastern philosophies have been practicing for years, the Western world is finally catching up to and recognizing. 

But you don’t need to look outside of yourself. When it all comes down to it, Laura Lynne says the most important thing for you to do is follow your intuition – the guidance of your soul’s truth. Honor your knowing, honor your path, and choose love. This will always lead you exactly where you need to be.

Laura Lynne Jackson’s book Signs: https://bookshop.org/p/books/signs-the-secret-language-of-the-universe-laura-lynne-jackson/14834976?ean=9780399591617

Follow Laura Lynne Jackson on Instagram @lauralynnejackson 

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